Reference DataA Reference Table e-document is typically
used to organize and store a large quantity of data that other
e-documents often refer to. Reference data can be edited through a GUI
table in SOClass Client.
The Reference Table e-document is associated to database tables that do not require GCF properties.
lookup is the mechanism to consult a list of reference data by browsing
a particular table of a database. It can be implemented independently
from the finder mechanism. In that case, the list of data is pre-loaded
in memory either at the start of the SOClass™ Client, or once the Client
started, when creating or opening an instance of an e-document
implementing a lookup mechanism.
SOClass team has invented a new reference technology called Advanced
Reference (ARef). The idea is to reduce the network traffic between the
SOClass Server and the SOClass Client. This is achieved by sending the
entire Reference Table only once to the SOClass Client and then