JMX Technology is a standard Java technology that allows monitoring and management of Java resources and applications. This technology supports also RMI which means that it allows remote control and monitoring. The monitored resources are encapsulated in special type of objects called MBeans, which are deployed over a JMX Server.
Any remote JMX Client can connect to the JMX Server (if the connection settings are correctly set) and can control and/or monitor the Manageable Java applications or resources.
The SOClass JMX Server allows remote monitoring and control over some features of the SOClass Server.
The monitored resources are:
- AppServer;
- ConnectionPool;
- ConnectionManager;
- DatabaseSource;
- LoggedClients;
- Clients;
- ClientsLoginRestrictions;
- ClientStatistics;
- Profiler;
- Log;
- ThreadWatcher;
- DumpServer;
- GCFTableManager.