Server Configuration and Start

Server Configuration and Start

SOClass Configuration and Start Procedure

Activation/Deactivation of the SSL Bit-encrypting

A Brief Note about SSL

The Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) is a commonly-used protocol for managing the security of web browsing, e-mail, Internet faxing, instant messaging and other data transfers on the Internet. SSL has evolved to Transport Layer Security (TLS). SSL uses a program layer located between the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) and Transport Control Protocol (TCP) layers, used in Internet. This protocol secures the transfer of private information, such as credit card numbers or passwords.

Configuring the SSL Bit-encrypting

The directory SOCLASS_HOME/server/etc/security contains 3 files and a directory with four files, related to SSL bit-encrypting:

  • server.randseed
  • keystore
    • jmxssl.keystore
    • jmxsslca.keystore
    • ssl.keystore
    • sslca.keystore

Both and files are related to the SOClass JMX Server users. The first file sets the access rights of the users and the second contains the passwords for them - encrypted. The server.randseed file represents a pre-generated random seed.

The jmxssl.keystore represents the private key of SOClass JMX Server and the jmxsslca.keystore represents the list of trusted certificate authorities for it. Respectively the ssl.keystore and sslca.keystore represent the private key and the list of trusted certificate authorities for the SOClass Server.

The configuration of the SSL behaviour is set in the properties file: SOCLASS_HOME/server/etc/config/

Turn on/off the SSL bit-encrypting:

Set the value (yes/no) of the ssl.mode property:

ssl.mode=yes (activates the SSL bit-encrypting)


ssl.mode=no (deactivates the SSL bit-encrypting)

Activate/deactivate the predefined random encryption key:

The SOClass system either uses a predefined encryption key, stored in a file on the server, or generates a random encryption key each time the SOClass server is restarted. Although the second option slightly slows down the start of the server, it is the more secured solution.

The choice of using or not a predefined encryption key is defined by the property ssl.random.

Set the value (Yes/No) of the ssl.random property:

ssl.random=yes (use the file set in server.randseed)


ssl.random=no (bypass the file set in server.randseed)

When the property is set to “yes”, the system uses the predefined encryption key from the file indicated by the ssl.randomfile property.


The SOCLASS_HOME/server/etc/security/keystore directory contains the ssl.keystore file with the private keys used by SSL. These keys are in conjunction with the public key stored in the so.keystore file generated by the system during the installation of the certificate (see next section). The other file in that directory – sslca.keystore contains the list of trusted Certificate Authorities.

Detailed information about Properties Files can be found in an annex to the Developer’s Guide documentation.

Connection to the Relational Database System

The interfacing between a SOClass application and its related database is implemented through the JDBC drivers.

The JDBC technology is an API that allows access to virtually any tabular data source from the Java programming language. It provides cross-DBMS connectivity to a wide range of SQL databases, and with the JDBC API, it also provides access to other tabular data sources, such as spreadsheets or flat files.

The JDBC API allows developers to take advantage of the Java platform's "Write Once, Run Anywhere” capabilities for industrial strength, cross-platform applications that require access to enterprise data. With a JDBC technology-enabled driver, a developer can easily connect all corporate data even in a heterogeneous environment.

Annex to the Installation Guide illustrates the configuration procedures of the JDBC drivers for Oracle database management systems and the steps that have to be followed to complete these drivers configuration prior to the first start of the SOClass engine.

It is highly recommended to use the Oracle JDBC drivers provided with the Oracle Database that is going to be used for the respective Java version.

Starting the SOClass Server

Once the module’s jar files are deployed into the application server directory, the server is ready to install the module. The server will detect the new jars and integrate them into the system. At this stage stop the server after the installation of the module and restart it. Apart from creating the shortcuts in the desktop library and the binder, it will also be ready for use, waiting for clients to connect.

The file used to launch the application server is located into the application server directory: SOCLASS_HOME/server/bin

Executing in a console the following command will start the server:

Operating System
./ run
./ run
Running the SOClass Server Engine Launcher

Several modes of operation are available for the SOClass server starting process. Here is a list of the available options to use as a parameter when running the server from a shell.

Under Linux

The server application generates information messages directly on the screen of the console in what it was run.
The server application generates information messages into the server.out file located in the directory SOCLASS_HOME/server/system
Use this option to stop the server when it was started with the start command.
Java Platform Debugger Architecture (JPDA)
jpda run
Java Platform Debugger Architecture (JPDA) provides the infrastructure needed to build end-user debugger applications for the Java Standard Edition Platform.
Enables the debug connector which will make the server accessible by the DBDebugger.

Under MS Windows

-n or /n
The server application does not generate information messages.
-v or /v
The server application generates information messages into the server.out file located in the directory SOCLASS_HOME\server\system
Java Platform Debugger Architecture (JPDA)
Java Platform Debugger Architecture (JPDA) provides the infrastructure needed to build end-user debugger applications for the Java Standard Edition Platform.

First Server Start: Activation Key Request

Server activation is the licensing control procedure for the legal usage of the SOClass system. If the SOClass Server is newly installed on the computer, then it requires an activation key, based on hardware configuration.

The steps to obtain a SOClass activation key are the following:

1. Launch the server as described in the previous section.
2. The system will ask for several identification parameters such as:

  • First and last name;
  • Name of the organization unit;
  • Name of the organization;
  • Location including city, state, two letters country code, mail address, phone number, fax number and email address.

3. Confirm the accuracy of the information entered to complete registration. This will generate a message file in the SOCLASS_HOME/server/etc/activation directory.
4. Send the message file to the SOClass software provider. As a reply you will receive a file called “actk” that has to be copied into the SOCLASS_HOME/server/etc/activation directory.

It is important to backup the SOCLASS_HOME/server/etc/activation. When reinstalling the SOClass Server on the same machine, this directory should be restored.

The following code illustrates the SOClass activation request procedure:

- Phase 1, Installing Resource Manager 
- Phase 2, Performing Micro-Benchmark 
- Phase 3, Creating Registry fail.
Enter user information:
What is your first and last name?
  [Unknown]:  John Smith        
What is the name of your organizational unit?
  [Unknown]:  Documentation Unit
What is the name of your organization?
  [Unknown]:  Example Company
What is the name of your City or Locality?
  [Unknown]:  New York
What is the name of your State or Province?
  [Unknown]:  New York
What is the two-letter country code for this unit?
  [Unknown]:  US
What is your address?
  [Unknown]:  72 Main Street
What is your phone number?
  [Unknown]:  +1-212-234-5678
What is your fax?
  [Unknown]:  +1-212-234-5679
What is your e-mail?
Is <CN=John Smith, OU=Documentation Unit, O=Example Company, L=New York, ST=New York, C=US, STREET=72 Main Street, 
PHONE=+1-212-234-5678, FAX=+1-212-234-5679,> correct?
  [no]:  y
Please wait...

Please send /home/user/so/server/etc/activation/message to to receive the activation key. Upon receipt of your activation, copy the ACTK file in the
/home/user/so/server/etc/activation folder and restart.
Press <Enter> to exit.
An activation key is generated on the basis of the information stored in the message file. The computer, where the SOClass server resides, should use static IP addresses, not those delivered by a DHCP server.

Once the activation procedure is successful, the server engine is ready to be restarted and to accept client connections and requests.

Traditional Server Start

Once the activation key has been received and copied into the proper directory, the server can be restarted. When ready the server should return the message: “Server is running (press <Enter> to shut down)...”.

The following example shows the server output on its first start after the activation:

- Phase 1, Installing Resource Manager 
- Phase 2, Performing Micro-Benchmark 
- Phase 3, Creating Registry 
- Phase 4, Installing Application Server 
- Phase 5, Loading Server Properties 
- Phase 6, Creating Document Binders
- Phase 7, Installing new SOM Modules 
- Phase 8, Check GCF table structures
- Phase 9, Starting Transaction Manager 
- Phase 10, Starting GCF Recovery, 6 binders.
- Phase 11, Checking GCF integrity
- Phase 12, Creating Server 
- Phase 13, Binding Server 
- Phase 14, Starting Server  
- Phase 15, Starting JMX Service  service:jmx:rmi://localhost:2104/jndi/rmi://localhost:2006/SOClassJMXServer

Server is running (press <Enter> to shut down)...

Stopping the SOClass Server Engine

To stop the SOClass server, simply press the key <enter> while the server process window has the focus. The server checks for connected users and displays information about them. Then appears the option to set shutdown delay “Set shutdown delay time in minutes (0 is default):” Pressing the key <enter> again will bring a prompt about starting the shutdown procedure “Shutdown procedure will be started. Do you want to continue? (y/n):” When confirming it a notification appears “Shutdown procedure has been started.” When the server stops, the system displays the message “Server was shut down”.

If there are any transactions in commit or rollback stage at the moment of the server shutdown command, it will wait for them to be completed for the time set under the ShutdownServer.Timeout property in the file. The default value is 5 minutes. During this timeout, when the server waits for the transactions to be completed, it will not allow any new transactions to be started.

If the ShutdownServer.BlockUntilFinish boolean flag is set to true, this will block the server shutdown procedure until all transactions in commit or rollback stage are completed.

It is not recommended to set this flag to true, because this can make the server unstoppable.

The Steps of the Server Start Procedure

The server start procedure initializes the components of the SOClass system. They are started asynchronously (taking advantage of Java multi-threading), and last step before starting the JMX Server consists in coordinating them all.

1. Installing Resource Manager
  • Creating the object that will load resources from the pools or from the properties.
  • Setting the RMI Security Manager.
2. Performing Micro-Benchmark
Performing a quick check of the hardware configuration. You will get warning messages, if the minimum requirements are not covered.
3. Creating Registry
  • Initializing the communication layer. Starting up the RMI registry in order to allow the creation and exportation of remote objects.
  • Initializing SSL.
  • Initializing KTL (see KTL specification for more details)
  • Checking the activation key.
4. Installing Application Server
Starting the component called "Application Server" that will manage the data source access. This component uses JDBC. It can pool database connections.
5. Loading Server Properties
  • Creating properties and translation files cache.
  • Installing Format Dictionary support objects.
  • Initializing the Reference Tables Manager.
6. Creating Document Binders
Creating instances and installing all server binders services found in the Administration database.
7. Installing new SOM Modules (optional)
This phase appears at modules’ first deployment on the server.
  • Installing Business Units, Binders, Document Library Tree, and Accesses for new modules.
8. Check GCF table structures (optional)
  • Starting the create XML file: GCF.xml.
  • Processing and analyzing tables.
9. Starting Transaction Manager
Starting the component called “Transaction Manager” that will manage “user transactions”.
The Transaction Manager system service is responsible for the user transaction persistency. When the server is restarted, the system is able to reload the information about the active documents from the DB. This will allow continuing the work on an already opened GCF document.
10. Starting GCF Recovery (optional)
This phase appears if a new module has been installed prior to server start, or if the server has been started in recovery mode.
11. Checking GCF integrity (optional)
In this phase the GCF tables are scanned for errors and repaired, if necessary.
12. Creating Server
Creating the server.
13. Binding Server
Binding the server. The server registers its remote objects with RMI registry so that the objects can be looked up from other computers.
14. Starting Server
Starting and initializing the server.
15. Starting JMX Service
Starting the SOClass JMX Server. The server prints in the console the URL of the service to be used to remotely connect to the SOClass JMX Server.

Other Operations Performed by the Server at Startup

1. Listing every jar file from the lib folder and adding it to the LIB_PATH environment variable (classpath style). The lib folder contains the code of the SOClass application server and the shared part of the SOClass platform.

2. Listing every jar file from the folder lib/ext and adding it to the EX_PATH environment variable. The lib/ext folder contains libraries of SOClass and third part APIs and also libraries not delivered by the Java Platform.

3. Listing every jar file from the patches folder and adding it to the PATCH_PATH environment variable. The patches folder (SOCLASS_HOME/server/patches) is reserved for future use (it might contain jar files overriding existing classes). If this folder doesn’t exist, you will have to create it when you are going to use server patches.

Jar files within the modules folder (usually created by the application developer) are not added to the classpath when the script is running. The classes inside these files become accessible later on when the server is running via classloaders.

4. Using the environment variables defined at steps 1-3 to construct the classpath.

5. Starting the server in a specific mode, depending on the additional option specified.

Additional Start Options

Force a restart of the connected clients
This option can be used after a SOClass system update. When set to true, it will cause all the currently connected clients to be restarted, so they can load the new JAR files. The default value is false.
Accept Self-signed Certificates
Boolean flag that determines whether the self-signed certificates should be accepted or not. The default value is false.
Possible values: true, yes, y, on, 1; otherwise is false.
Allow users to add self-signed certificates to their profiles
Boolean flag that determines whether the users should be able to add self-signed certificates to their profiles.
Possible values: true; otherwise is false.
Send a message to any SOClass user
Send a message to a specified SOClass user about a user added certificate needing an approval.

Possible values: the username of any user within the SOClass system.

Send a message to one or all SOClass administrators or power users
Send a message to one or all SOClass administrators or power users related to the customer account of the user that has added a certificate needing an approval.
Possible values: "ONE OF ALL", ALL
Send a message to one or all SOClass administrators
Send a message to one or all SOClass administrators about a user added certificate needing an approval.
Possible values: "ONE OF ALL", ALL
Enable OCSP support in SOClass.
Available since SOClass v2.2.36.
To enable the OCSP support in SOClass, start the client/server with this option set to true.
Possible values: true; otherwise is false.
Restrict user login after a number of failed login attempts.
Available since SOClass v2.2.37.
Sets a number of failed login attempts (using wrong password) to block a user. The minimum number that can be set is 3. Lower number will be counted as 3.
To remove a login restriction or to check whether a user is blocked, use SOClass JMX (ClientsLoginRestrictions).
Set automatic timeout to unblock a user.
Available since SOClass v2.2.39.
Sets a timeout in minutes to automatically unblock a user that has been blocked after a number of failed login attempts set by the so.login.fails option. Works only together with the above option.